WHO'S GOING TO LOVE THE DYING GIRL? vibrates with anger, confusion, honesty, and anguish as an adult suffering from Cystic Fibrosis navigates love and loss in her failing body.
With a voice unwavering in its honesty, a reckless past and a foreshortened future collide in these poems. The conversational narratives grapple with relationships, loss, and chronic illness woven together with threads of music and pop culture references that make them relatable. Their vulnerability is tinged with a dry and introspective wit that cuts to the bone of the speaker’s darkest fears.
These poems confront the title question thrown at her one terrible night: who will love the dying girl?
WHO'S GOING TO LOVE THE DYING GIRL? vibrates with anger, confusion, honesty, and anguish as an adult suffering from Cystic Fibrosis navigates love and loss in her failing body.
With a voice unwavering in its honesty, a reckless past and a foreshortened future collide in these poems. The conversational narratives grapple with relationships, loss, and chronic illness woven together with threads of music and pop culture references that make them relatable. Their vulnerability is tinged with a dry and introspective wit that cuts to the bone of the speaker’s darkest fears.
These poems confront the title question thrown at her one terrible night: who will love the dying girl?
WHO'S GOING TO LOVE THE DYING GIRL? vibrates with anger, confusion, honesty, and anguish as an adult suffering from Cystic Fibrosis navigates love and loss in her failing body.
With a voice unwavering in its honesty, a reckless past and a foreshortened future collide in these poems. The conversational narratives grapple with relationships, loss, and chronic illness woven together with threads of music and pop culture references that make them relatable. Their vulnerability is tinged with a dry and introspective wit that cuts to the bone of the speaker’s darkest fears.
These poems confront the title question thrown at her one terrible night: who will love the dying girl?
It all unravels, Bree Rolfe announces in the beginning of this confident, self-possessed collection. But these savvy, canny poems don’t concern themselves with re-knitting what’s already unknotted. Instead, they situate themselves right in the big, fat, fucked-up middle of the mess that life makes of us all. These poems are keenly observant, prescient, sardonic, and infused with some of the most unimpeachably glorious gallows humor I’ve ever encountered. But more importantly? They are honest and undisguised. At the center of Who’s Going to Love the Dying Girl is a heartbreakingly frank examination of that which makes us most human: tangible, mortal loss. Read this book now.
Jill Alexander Essbaum author of Would-Land.
Bree Rolfe lives in Austin, TX where she teaches writing and literature to the mostly reluctant, but always loveable, teenagers at James Bowie High School. Her work has appeared in Saul Williams' poetry anthology Chorus: A Literary Mixtape, the Barefoot Muse Anthology Forgetting Home: Poems About Alzheimer's, the Redpaint Hill Anthology Mother is a Verb, and 5AM Magazine. She holds an MFA from the Writing Seminars at Bennington College.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 978-1-950730-77-3
Publication Date: September 30, 2021