The news in #THENEWCRUSADES is professed through protests, graffiti, broken mirrors, ambient radio, synchronized fires, and all-night newsfeeds--all of it projecting a cryptic and indefinable set of rules that churn about as permutations of some lost algorithm. These poems address a tamed violence held barely in check, examining masculinity and fatherhood and the undercurrents of suburban domesticity. In the end, they are a barrage of cries at breaking the boundary between you and I, questions rising into prayers that ask, are we closed or open systems? Can we really know each other at all?
The news in #THENEWCRUSADES is professed through protests, graffiti, broken mirrors, ambient radio, synchronized fires, and all-night newsfeeds--all of it projecting a cryptic and indefinable set of rules that churn about as permutations of some lost algorithm. These poems address a tamed violence held barely in check, examining masculinity and fatherhood and the undercurrents of suburban domesticity. In the end, they are a barrage of cries at breaking the boundary between you and I, questions rising into prayers that ask, are we closed or open systems? Can we really know each other at all?
The news in #THENEWCRUSADES is professed through protests, graffiti, broken mirrors, ambient radio, synchronized fires, and all-night newsfeeds--all of it projecting a cryptic and indefinable set of rules that churn about as permutations of some lost algorithm. These poems address a tamed violence held barely in check, examining masculinity and fatherhood and the undercurrents of suburban domesticity. In the end, they are a barrage of cries at breaking the boundary between you and I, questions rising into prayers that ask, are we closed or open systems? Can we really know each other at all?
Bill Neumire is a poet, editor, and book reviewer living in Syracuse, New York. His most recent book is #TheNewCrusades, which was a finalist for the Barrow Street Prize and is available from Unsolicited Press (as well as Barnes and Noble and Amazon). His first book was Estrus, which was a semifinalist for the 42 Miles Press Award and is available from Kelsay Books. He also has two old chapbooks: Resonance of Kin (2003, Pudding House Press) and Between Worlds (2003, Foothills). He reviews for the magazine Vallum, and for Verdad where he also serves as Poetry Editor. If you like what you read, please spread the word by writing a review at Goodreads or Amazon.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 978-1-956692-14-3
Publication Date: May 10, 2022