
In THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, two poets from the West bring their work together and take apart the news. Recent history gets jigsawed. Current events get skewered. The result is thirty praise songs, fairy tales, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. There are prayers here, and new commandments. There are portraits and photographic negatives. And an introduction by Carney and an afterword by Poole form a frame around it all.

Rob Carney and Scott Poole turn the news on its head in THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, a poetry collection that brings together the best of both poets. The poets jigsaw recent history and skewer current events. What results is a series of prayers, praise songs, fairy tales, commandments, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. 

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In THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, two poets from the West bring their work together and take apart the news. Recent history gets jigsawed. Current events get skewered. The result is thirty praise songs, fairy tales, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. There are prayers here, and new commandments. There are portraits and photographic negatives. And an introduction by Carney and an afterword by Poole form a frame around it all.

Rob Carney and Scott Poole turn the news on its head in THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, a poetry collection that brings together the best of both poets. The poets jigsaw recent history and skewer current events. What results is a series of prayers, praise songs, fairy tales, commandments, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. 

In THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, two poets from the West bring their work together and take apart the news. Recent history gets jigsawed. Current events get skewered. The result is thirty praise songs, fairy tales, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. There are prayers here, and new commandments. There are portraits and photographic negatives. And an introduction by Carney and an afterword by Poole form a frame around it all.

Rob Carney and Scott Poole turn the news on its head in THE LAST TIGER IS SOMEWHERE, a poetry collection that brings together the best of both poets. The poets jigsaw recent history and skewer current events. What results is a series of prayers, praise songs, fairy tales, commandments, guilty verdicts, and mathematical equations. 


Rob Carney is the author of six previous collections of poems, most recently Facts and Figures (Hoot 'n' Waddle) and The Book of Sharks (Black Lawrence Press), which was a finalist for the Washington State Book Award and won the 2019 Artists of Utah Magazine (15 BYTES) Book Award for Poetry. Accidental Gardens-a collection of 42 flash essays about the environment, politics, and poetics-is forthcoming from Stormbird Press. He is a Professor of English and Literature at Utah Valley University and lives in Salt Lake City.



Scott Poole has been writing and performing poetry in the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years. He has been a painter for 17 years, but began exhibiting in just the last three years. He is best known for his 11 year stint as the "House Poet" on the weekly Live Wire! public radio variety show, taped in Portland, OR and broadcast nationally by Public Radio International. He is the author of seven books of poetry: most recently, The Clouds Will Save You Now (Lunch Hour Press,  2022)  In 2019, he finally combined his two art forms by marrying 20 original paintings with 20 of his poems in Vacancy,  a limited edition chapbook (Lunchhour Press 2019). Since then he has produced a book of 20 poems and 20 paintings every year. He lives in Vancouver, WA with his wife and family where he works as a software developer.

  • Genre: Poetry

    ISBN: 978-1-950730-50-6

    Publication Date: August 7, 2020
