In the dark heart of winter, a young boy struggles to understand his mother’s failing health as she teaches him Polish, the language of her dead mother. From a distance, a frustrated English professor dines with her mentally ill ex-husband in a park on which a mansion once stood. A single mother struggles to let go as her teenage son seeks his independence. A drag queen and his partner battle a snowstorm while debating the future of their relationship. A retired garbage collector finds solace in the ballet, and the owner of a liquor store tries to find companionship on the streets and in the bars of Minneapolis. Equal parts bitterness and beauty, the sixteen stories in this collection are plotted snapshots of a city in its most unforgiving season.
Characters come together in this collaborative short story collection. Dealing with life choices, quirky behavior, and an array of emotions, Six Months in the Midwest is a stand-out collection from author Darci Schummer.
Fiction (Novel)
ISBN: 978-0692242001
Publication Date: June 23, 2014
In the dark heart of winter, a young boy struggles to understand his mother’s failing health as she teaches him Polish, the language of her dead mother. From a distance, a frustrated English professor dines with her mentally ill ex-husband in a park on which a mansion once stood. A single mother struggles to let go as her teenage son seeks his independence. A drag queen and his partner battle a snowstorm while debating the future of their relationship. A retired garbage collector finds solace in the ballet, and the owner of a liquor store tries to find companionship on the streets and in the bars of Minneapolis. Equal parts bitterness and beauty, the sixteen stories in this collection are plotted snapshots of a city in its most unforgiving season.
Characters come together in this collaborative short story collection. Dealing with life choices, quirky behavior, and an array of emotions, Six Months in the Midwest is a stand-out collection from author Darci Schummer.
Fiction (Novel)
ISBN: 978-0692242001
Publication Date: June 23, 2014
In the dark heart of winter, a young boy struggles to understand his mother’s failing health as she teaches him Polish, the language of her dead mother. From a distance, a frustrated English professor dines with her mentally ill ex-husband in a park on which a mansion once stood. A single mother struggles to let go as her teenage son seeks his independence. A drag queen and his partner battle a snowstorm while debating the future of their relationship. A retired garbage collector finds solace in the ballet, and the owner of a liquor store tries to find companionship on the streets and in the bars of Minneapolis. Equal parts bitterness and beauty, the sixteen stories in this collection are plotted snapshots of a city in its most unforgiving season.
Characters come together in this collaborative short story collection. Dealing with life choices, quirky behavior, and an array of emotions, Six Months in the Midwest is a stand-out collection from author Darci Schummer.
Fiction (Novel)
ISBN: 978-0692242001
Publication Date: June 23, 2014
Darci Schummer, a Wisconsin girl who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a graduate of Hamline University's MFA program. Her fiction has appeared in magazines and journals such as Paper Darts, Revolver, Feile Festa, The Diverse Arts Project,, Conclave: A Journal of Character, Bartleby Snopes, and Midwestern Gothic. She is currently at work on a novel.