Local Speed, narrated by a twelve year old precocious “redneck” foster child who is writing a journal that is the basis for her first novel called “Dead and Gone.” Crystal Ball is determined to save her older foster sister from the family friend who is up to no good and who, she thinks, assisted her beloved uncle’s drowning the summer before.
ISBN: 978-1947021143
Publication Date: August 3, 2018
Local Speed, narrated by a twelve year old precocious “redneck” foster child who is writing a journal that is the basis for her first novel called “Dead and Gone.” Crystal Ball is determined to save her older foster sister from the family friend who is up to no good and who, she thinks, assisted her beloved uncle’s drowning the summer before.
ISBN: 978-1947021143
Publication Date: August 3, 2018
Local Speed, narrated by a twelve year old precocious “redneck” foster child who is writing a journal that is the basis for her first novel called “Dead and Gone.” Crystal Ball is determined to save her older foster sister from the family friend who is up to no good and who, she thinks, assisted her beloved uncle’s drowning the summer before.
ISBN: 978-1947021143
Publication Date: August 3, 2018