Cities of life live beneath the reflection on a lake’s surface. Not until we push our face in the water can we see the biomass living underneath our attention. “Last Will & Testament” dives into the life of one ordinary preacher to discover bits and pieces of the sacred most of us miss most of the time. This man’s story may seem as if it is a world apart from yours but in it, below the surface, you will find your story too.
Cities of life live beneath the reflection on a lake’s surface. Not until we push our face in the water can we see the biomass living underneath our attention. “Last Will & Testament” dives into the life of one ordinary preacher to discover bits and pieces of the sacred most of us miss most of the time. This man’s story may seem as if it is a world apart from yours but in it, below the surface, you will find your story too.

Cities of life live beneath the reflection on a lake’s surface. Not until we push our face in the water can we see the biomass living underneath our attention. “Last Will & Testament” dives into the life of one ordinary preacher to discover bits and pieces of the sacred most of us miss most of the time. This man’s story may seem as if it is a world apart from yours but in it, below the surface, you will find your story too.
These narrative and poetic autobiographical ruminations are the work of a gifted writer and courageous spiritual seeker. Among other entries that highlight such things as parents, grief, and small details of nature, Miller leads us into his soul. As he confronts the “wild animals” that lurk in the darkness of his inward wilderness journey, he reveals hope that when he “circles the drain at the end of his life,” he will leave thankful that he fully embraced, even befriended what Jung called the shadow. But he also leads us outward in his quest to subvert easy, domesticated faith. As Jesus taught, doing justice, and creating the kingdom of God on earth is authentic spirituality. “It is preposterous to claim any theological certainty when we are but infinitesimal smudges on a tiny planet, unremarkable among a cosmos of drifting spinning orbs.” At the beginning of the book, Miller quotes poet Mary Oliver who said that “attention is the beginning of devotion.” Miller is paying attention and so should we.
—Timothy Wadkins, Emeritus Professor of Modern Christianity
Cameron Miller's Last Will & Testament is a kaleidoscope of poetry, fiction, and essays, a moving memoir of his 40 years as an Episcopal preacher and even longer as a son and brother in a Midwestern family. Miller's words are lively and entertaining, his memories heartbreaking and intimate, his actions revelatory and laudable, and all so very human. Read this unusual book if you wish to learn how one brilliant mind, an ordinary saint, navigates through the spiritual and physical worlds that we all face in our lives.
—Jim Carmen, Former member, National Book Critics Circle and retired Special Collections Librarian
In Cameron Miller’s moving memoir, Last Will & Testament, the reader is asked to consider the nature of faith, love, loss, memory, devotion and a complex array of human emotions and experiences. Reflecting on a long life in the service of God, Miller now explores that journey in variety of essays, poems, and short stories. Can the fundamental questions of life ever be answered? Are we left forever in a state of seeking the truth? Miller weighs in on these matters in an inspiring, affable, and highly accessible writing style that makes us comfortable with the complex issues we all struggle with.
—Anne Leigh Parrish, author of The Hedgerow
Cameron Miller has been thinking and writing about the ordinary sacred hiding in plain sight for decades, first as an Episcopal preacher in trade journals, magazines, and websites, and then professionally as a writer and poet. “Last Will & Testament, A Preacher’s Memoir in Poetry and Prose.” will be released this December (2024) by Unsolicited Press. In addition to his first collection of poems and essays, “Cairn” (Unsolicited Press, 2020), he has two novels in publication: “Steam Room Diaries” (DAOwen Press, Canada, 2015) and “Thoughtwall Café: Espresso in the Third Season of Life” (Unsolicited Press, 2018). His poems have appeared in print anthologies from Poetry Quarterly, The Poet’s Quest for God (UK), Crossroads, Inwood Indiana Press, and Le Mot Juste. Cameron lives in the Finger Lakes region of New York where he writes a weekly column for the Finger Lakes Times as well as publishes on his website:
Genre: Memoir-in-Verse
ISBN: 978-1963115123
Publication Date: December 10, 2024