The Land of Ale and Gloom: Discovering the Pacific Northwest concerns the summer of 2016, which the author spent traveling the region in the looming shadow of a Trump presidency, having come to the somewhat blue realization that there perhaps remained just one thing in this world with the power to bring him true happiness: craft beer. And while there’s no better place for a beer enthusiast than Oregon and Washington State, a philosophical guide seemed necessary—hence, Robert Burton’s The Anatomy of Melancholy, an encyclopedic Renaissance-era opus which advises the melancholic patient to treat his affliction with a few cold brews.
Along with these elements, The Land of Ale and Gloom incorporates the fascinating history and vibrant literature of the Northwest into a comic yet insightful exploration of the region.
ISN: 978-1-956692-03-7
Publication Date: March 17, 2022
The Land of Ale and Gloom: Discovering the Pacific Northwest concerns the summer of 2016, which the author spent traveling the region in the looming shadow of a Trump presidency, having come to the somewhat blue realization that there perhaps remained just one thing in this world with the power to bring him true happiness: craft beer. And while there’s no better place for a beer enthusiast than Oregon and Washington State, a philosophical guide seemed necessary—hence, Robert Burton’s The Anatomy of Melancholy, an encyclopedic Renaissance-era opus which advises the melancholic patient to treat his affliction with a few cold brews.
Along with these elements, The Land of Ale and Gloom incorporates the fascinating history and vibrant literature of the Northwest into a comic yet insightful exploration of the region.
ISN: 978-1-956692-03-7
Publication Date: March 17, 2022
The Land of Ale and Gloom: Discovering the Pacific Northwest concerns the summer of 2016, which the author spent traveling the region in the looming shadow of a Trump presidency, having come to the somewhat blue realization that there perhaps remained just one thing in this world with the power to bring him true happiness: craft beer. And while there’s no better place for a beer enthusiast than Oregon and Washington State, a philosophical guide seemed necessary—hence, Robert Burton’s The Anatomy of Melancholy, an encyclopedic Renaissance-era opus which advises the melancholic patient to treat his affliction with a few cold brews.
Along with these elements, The Land of Ale and Gloom incorporates the fascinating history and vibrant literature of the Northwest into a comic yet insightful exploration of the region.
ISN: 978-1-956692-03-7
Publication Date: March 17, 2022
The wisdom in Phillip Hurst’s Land of Ale and Gloom is both profound and accessible. Like an elite brewmeister, he concocts a remarkably refreshing balance that is at once droll and stimulating—with an aftertaste of brilliance. This is a remarkable nonfiction tour of the Pacific Northwest, courtesy of the author himself in tandem with Robert Burton's famous tome, The Anatomy of Melancholy.
—Rus Bradburd, author of All the Dreams We've Dreamed and Paddy on the Hardwood
As a lifelong beer aficionado that continues to climb the sudsy ladder of hoppy appreciation, Hurst’s writing provided form to my own inclinations for seeking existential explanations and haunting random breweries whenever I travel. A clever blend of truth-questing and pint-examinations, Hurst’s role as an anonymous tourist piloting an anonymous car through notorious beer country is enjoyable in how he relates quality craft beer with quality people. Very satisfying read.
— Robert Sharp
Phillip Hurst is a word master. His candid insights of the PNW had me chuckling on nearly every page. I am a native Oregonian, and must admit his observations are right on! If you've ever visited this part of the country you will love this adventure. Take the ride with him!
—Suzanne Jauchius
I lived in the Emerald City for seven years and during that wonderful time discovered the craft beer scene. "The Land of Ale and Gloom" stirred many found memories of those times and gave me insight into a behind-the-scenes eclectic culture I never knew existed. A fun and refreshing tour of the PNW one brew at a time. Enjoy!
— Brian Klimeck
Phillip Hurst is the author of a novel, Regent's of Paris, as well as a book of nonfiction, Whiskey Boys: And Other Meditations from the Abyss at the End of Youth, winner of the 2021 Monadnock Essay Collection Prize. His writing has appeared in literary journals such as The Missouri Review, The Gettysburg Review, River Teeth, Cimarron Review, and Post Road Magazine. He currently lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest.