Unsolicited Press

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Ebooks, Audiobooks, Book Sales, and New Features on the Gram

Listen up, because we’ve been working our literary tails off to make buying books from us as easy (and tempting) as possible. Our fearless, coffee-fueled team of freelancers and our unstoppable publisher have been putting in the work, and we’ve got some juicy updates for you.

As of this morning, a whopping 80% of our books are in production as audiobooks. That’s right—soon, you’ll be able to devour our titles with your ears while pretending to be productive at work or ignoring your morning commute. We’re talking top-tier narrators who are currently making our books sound as fabulous as they already are in print. Expect these beauties to roll out throughout the year. Stay tuned. Stay hyped.

Yesterday, our publisher went full tech wizard, spending the entire day (probably fueled by sheer determination and a questionable amount of caffeine) getting all our backlist titles prepped for ebook magic. Soon, you’ll see our EBOOKS section come to life on the website. Get ready to one-click your way to literary bliss.

That’s right, folks. Every single day, a different book will be on sale. We’ll be posting these deals exclusively on Instagram, so if you’re not following us yet… what are you even doing? Mark your calendars, set reminders, and prepare to grab some amazing reads at irresistible prices.

We finally jumped on the Linktree train! Now, you can browse every single one of our books through a neat little shop that takes you directly to our website. No hunting, no hassle—just easy, glorious book shopping at your fingertips.

Basically, we’re making it easier than ever for you to get our books in every format possible—so no excuses. Buy the books. Read the books. Love the books.

More updates coming soon! Stay bookish, stay sassy. 😘